Email to Pacifica re: Pacifica vs KPFA

This is the email I wrote Pacifica via this site: The KPFA Worker blogsite is chronicling the manipulation and corrupt actions being committed by Pacifica HQ vs KPFA.

Dear Pacifica,

I am apalled at the manner which Pacifica is forcing KPFA to obey a top-down hierarchical structure.
Furthermore, I believe your board is operating in the worst manner. Having spoken one-on-one with one of your board members, she was so completely focussed and obsessed with cutting the Morning Show and changing up KPFA entirely that she could not see any other alternative.
While I understand there are always political battles in organizations, I would ask you to set aside your petty bickerings and allow KPFA to manage itself and donate to Pacifica voluntarily, rather than Pacifica managing KPFA from afar and dictate things which are inappropriate for KPFA.
I have been a supporter of KPFA and KPFK for years. I will from now on be donating specifically with the request that none of my donations go to the Pacifica organization. I find the Pacifica administration (historically & now) to continuously operate against the best interests of radio stations, the talent, and the communities which support it.
Please send me a response to my email to confirm that someone has received it & read it. Please explain your actions.

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