What a week! Wow.
Difficulties abound -- and yet all this good stuff is around.
Wedding in LA last weekend. My uncle leans over & says to me & my g/f, "Is this your first wedding together? Going to a wedding as a couple really makes you think about things." Despite that 'warning', we still had fun.
As we left LA, I had a last minute fight w/my Dad. Hoping that blows over soon.
Didn't get a sweet property in Astoria, Oregon. Saw this amazing/quirky place with a view of the bridge to Seattle. Wow.
Didn't get the job I was hoping for. Looking at more months here. Don't know how much of this crap I can take.
Corp re-org (but they're saying it's not one). My friends are being demoted, but it's not a 're-org'.
I'm on the sidelines observing. Somehow separate, yet a part of. Coworker friends make jokes, "What do you do, anyway?" and so on. It's the catch 22 of getting re-org'd myself into a job with so little workload. I do the best I can -- I suit up, I show up, I do things I can do, and that's about it. There isn't much leadership coming from the high-paid 'overlords', so we just wing it.
I often do feel like every day here is a day wasted. And then I think, every day here is more than $300 in my pocket! That's a lot of bread, Fred! So when I've got a hefty pile of $, or just can't take it anymore, or somehow master the financial fears ... I'll exit stage left.
It's just one day at a time.
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