I'm almost done w/2nd draft of scifi feature screenplay, COMPARTMENTALIZED. It's a 'dystopia' (a la George Orwell's '1984') about human life after a global environemental catastrophe, 'the Biosphere Collapse of 2026'. (More info to come.)

It's about a really smart guy that never says anything, but he sure has a lot of interesting thoughts. (Sound like you? HA HA)
If you're interested, I've been posting a bunch of my video short pieces online on my website, Three Ways Media. I also have some of my music there, and artwork, etc etc.
I'm still looking for volunteers on an upcoming video project, 'reprogramming', where people will speak positive messages into a video camera, and those positive messages will be available 24/7 via the 'net. I aim to start filming later this month (Aug). This project will most likely go onto Youtube or similar.
So far, I heard from 3 people interested and I'm looking for more folks either in recovery, or people that have a spiritual background (priests, rabbis, etc). I might open this up to general public (w/same requirements).
On a personal note, I moved successfully to new pad on Solano w/Lucy & Tim in June/July. This new pad is great! Although I still live in too many boxes. ARGGGHGHGHGH (Lucy confided in my she was amazed I got so much stuff into this space.)
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