MixTapes from Mixwidget.org -- opensource & free -- formerly MixWit.com

Aaaah, rekzkarz' mixtapes are back!


This tape (and album) is called RE-Action and features most of my new songs.


This tape (album) is THINK and features various experimental REkzkaRZ songs.


This tape actually consists of 3 albums - Illegal Music, CyberAnimals, and ElectroGroove - all combined in one. BONUS!

You might notice smaller versions of these tapes are hanging out on the right corner of this BLOG. Hell yeah! And they ain't goin' away this time, either!

I spent hours making my original mixtapes on mixwit.com, a website that wanted to make a music community based on sharing recorded mp3's.

I was so psyched that I could put up my music just by pointing this little app to my songs. And then listeners just hit play! WOW. And it looked cool, too! And then mixwit.com went bust. Gaaah

On a whim, I took at look at mixwit's old website recently and saw they now have a thing called mixwidget (which is hosted at mixwidget.org), a 'java widget' that is a form of the mixwit tape player front end. Cool! All instructions on how to setup & config are on the mixwidget.org) website.
The only trouble I had was it wouldn't play files on my harddrive (but the website has the workaround -- going to a Flash config webpage) and I couldn't edit the config files with notepad -- they worked better in wordpad.

Who cares? The only thing difference from this and mixwit that I've noticed is it doesn't have all the albums linked on one tape ... and it doesn't have the old community, but I never listend to other people's tapes. I used it to share my stuff! So who cares? (Sorry if I sound insensitive to mixwit -- I thought it was a great idea & hoped it would generate $$$.)

Ultimately, I coded the config files for 2 mixtape widgets that point to different directories on my server.

Also just started on SoundCloud.com, uploaded Techno-Thrash track. Does a lot of interesting stuff, pretty cool player too.

But for the moment, I'm happiest with the mixtapes again. :)

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