Comment to Bloomberg Businessweek's "Occupy Wall Street" pseudo-news story

Bloomberg Businessweek had an article about the so-called "news" re: a controversy beween Ben Cohen & Occupy Wall St regarding a car Cohen donated to Occupy.  Here's the story

I felt compelled to comment on the story, which I did -- reprinting here:

Dear Bloomberg Business Week -- quite interesting to cover an Occupy Wall Street non-story here, but amazing that you bypassed all the actual positions of the Occupy Movement!!

Some could call it chutzpah, some might call is balls, but I'll call it something else -- a complete lack of perspective.

First, to mention some of the issues of the Occupy Wall St movement:

  • Wall Street sabotaged the USA economy by risky business practices which may include fraud, collusion, graft, and more. No one went to jail, but many executives got bonuses while working people lost their homes. Not to mention the bailout using public money to subsidize private businesses.
  • Addresses the controversial (or duplicitous?) tactic of condoning/advocating "free market capitalism" and yet, when free market capitalism completely fails and the public is forced to bailout the private sector (w/o any public referendum), where is the "I call shenanigans!!!" or cry of dismay or cry of bullsh*t ?? And then these institutions continue to advocate for 'free market capitalism' after having reaped the benefits of society paying for their losses?
  • Corporations having rights protected while dodging tax requirements (and simultaneously exploiting govt subsidies), while actual people are having our rights over-ridden while our taxes result in less social benefits for people
  • The rights of the people must be more significant than the rights of corporate financial USA, or we will lose our rights & become peons in a neo-feudal society.

Etc etc.

Now that the *REAL STORY* has been covered, here's my response to this story: this is not a news story. This is not journalism. This is a completely unnecessary smear job.

So please, I'm asking nicely, increase your news coverage to cover 10% of the Occupy Movement's issues (likely what 99% of your readers are interested in anyway) -- and perhaps Bloomberg Businessweek will actually qualify as journalism.

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