Elgato Stream Deck Adventures

Elgato Stream Deck - What a cool device!  I had thought about getting one forever -- should've done it sooner.

Its got some great stuff, and some annoying quirks.  I'll run thru what I've found so far.  

Have used on work PC (very locked down) and a work Mac (med locked down).  No one has said its a security concern (so far), and a few other folks at my job have them.  

(One person was using Bitfocus Companion instead of Stream Deck software to 'go pro' on their switcher, so good to know there's another 'homebrewed' controller software.)

While I wouldn't say Stream Deck is an essential tool, it makes mundane tasks easy.  And its just fun!

Great features

  1. After my PC closes bc work applies updates, hit one button to start my standard apps.
  2. I can do 'Mission Control' style controls on PC - switch virtual desktop, show/hide desktop.
  3. Paste text snippets that I never want to retype (Hooray).  Most used = work greeting and signature.
  4. Emoji shortcuts - gotta have those 👍😁🙏✅ ready!  (I did learn the Win11 emoji kb launch shortcut finally, but having dedicated emoji buttons is faster!)
  5. List of URL's frequently used.
  6. My podcasts - launch!
  7. Media controls - start/stop media, vol up/down, mute system. 
    • (I have those last 3 buttons on my mechanical KB already, so I use them  interchangeably, but no start/stop media on KB, & this is great when a random browser tab starts playing a clip with sound!!)
  8. Toggle audio devices. 
    • (This seems to occasionally stop working bc I have a lot of audio devices & I am plugging/unplugging all the time.)
  9. Game KB shortcut controls.
    • on a whim, I made a Balders Gate 3 folder and put shortcuts to the commands I couldn't remember (with cool icons).  Game-changer!!!  (Center on character , group party, map, journal, turnbased toggle, others).  So I did another folder for CyberPunk 2077 (switch weapons, reload, melee, call car, put away weapon, & others), and every time I play I have those controls open and always use it for some kb control that normally I cant remember.  
    • Inspirations came from these cool looking Stream Deck marketplace products: Balders Gate 3 - https://marketplace.elgato.com/product/baldurs-gate-3-0e453029-169e-414c-b8d5-34ee12a7b241 & Cyberpunk - https://marketplace.elgato.com/product/cyberpunk-2077-dd7132cf-49e1-4c4b-a9fe-1c80cdac9d5e
    • Lots of people as controls for for sim games (ie flight sim).


  1. Button presses are soft, so you need to firmly press or you may miss.
  2. DIY tool where IMO Elgato is missing an opportunity for community sharing & learning on how to do things.
  3. Streamdeck app UI is ok, but could be sleaker/better/easier/faster (but its still usable).
  4. What do certain controls do?  Hard to figure out from app or marketplace without doing some research.
I also was frustrated by the included stand, and I saw people 3D printing stands on ETC, so I got one for $20 off ETC and it really is better!  Go homebrew!

So in summary, have seen people say "Do I need a Stream Deck?" on many forums.  Unless you're a streamer, probably no.  I hear its essential for streamers, and I'm hoping someday to put that to the test.  😁
But if you can get one, and you like geeking out, its worth it!

But for now, its just a cool gadget that I love using and it makes my work more fun.  
The Stream Deck mini seems ridiculous, but I could see how you could make it useful.  Stream Deck 15 buttons is nice (good price point, got mine on Ebay for $80).  Stream Deck XL 24 buttons seems nice, if I had the spare $240 I'd go for it.  New Stream Deck Pro Rack seems awesome for a production studio, but thats $1k!  So def overkill for a regular person.

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