March 2007 -- Life Summary + Small Steps Towards Big Changes

An old friend asked me > Besides computers, what have you been up to? Any good stories from around the world?
My response is below. I liked it so much, I thought 'why don't I post this on my BLOG as a status/update'?

Um, learning video production for last 2 yrs. I've been doing all positions and a lot of directing on a bunch of public access shows, including Betterbadnews, Funky Fitness, and Bro Jud's Hour of Love Energy, among others.

I quit my old IT job in LA after 5 years and moved to Melbourne, Australia in 99-2000. I studied Fine Arts (sculpture and painting), but dropped out after 1 yr and went around the world for another year. For ~ 10 mo's, I hung out in Thailand, Italy, Czech, Austria, and Israel.
I landed at Oracle (Nor Cal) in 2000 and almost got married. Instead ex-fiance got deported and I learned German and followed her to Salzburg, Austria. That ended 6 mo's later.
Then I moved to SF in 2002 w/a corp job. I've been here 4 yrs, been fired once (and got a new job @ same co + a $10k raise at the same time), and have had more than 4 titles and 4 directors in 4 years. I was engaged between 2004-2006 and am unengaged again. Moved to Oakland in Nov '06 into a live/work studio and am starting up a video production co.

Beyond the email -- Today is March 7th 2007. I'm ready to quit my job, despite fear of financial insecurity. I get paid very well for mycurrent job (too well, IMO), but I pay for it with a serious corporate soul-sucking. I have been finding that doing video production feeds my soul and my passion, although I fear not being able to make ends meet. Considering an MFA at SFSU in Film/Cinema in 2008 if I can get in. I want to move from being the one who helps others do stuff to being a creator who makes their visions realized. FAITH

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